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Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Herbert Zech
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“Natural cycle IVF”
IVF treatment in an unstimulated cycle
October 31st, 2017
For many women, starting fertility treatment is often associated with discomfort, since it entails hormone therapy involving the injection of specific preparations. Most women get used to it quickly, since what it does mean in any case is that they advance further on their way leading to the much longed-for aim: a child of their own.
Some women, however, are looking for an IVF therapy necessitating either a few doses of hormones or none at all. Terms such as “Natural cycle IVF” or “Mild Stimulation IVF” are bound to arouse interest and may sound promising at first. Artikel lesen
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“A lot helps a lot?”
The dangers of self-medication in fertility treatment
December 16th, 2016
Even the area of reproductive medicine is touched by the commonly held misconception “a lot helps a lot” when it comes to taking medicines. We often encounter situations in which patients undergoing hormonal stimulation (ovarian stimulation) want to increase the prescribed dosage of their own accord, saying they had read something about it and believed that this would be beneficial to a successful outcome, i.e. contribute to improving oocyte maturation.
To start with, I should like to point out that the selection of an optimal stimulation protocol shall be based on the following factors:
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When the path to parenthood is “blocked”
Therapy options in connection with the treatment of blocked/damaged fallopian tubes
May 23rd, 2016
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes are among the main causes of unwanted childlessness and are seen as classical indications for IVF treatment (“In vitro fertilization”).
Tubal damage is frequently associated with the accumulation of serous, inflammatory or post-inflammatory fluids. We are referring here to a condition called hydro- or sactosalpinx.
What are the possible implications of this concomitant phenomenon and what therapy options are available?
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Happy family
June 15th, 2013It is not only the life with biological children that involves worries, fears and even problems – you will have to go through the same experiences with adopted children. Despite the blissful experience to actually be able to raise children, the grief over the own biological childlessness, however, may last forever.
The beginnings of IVF
Every year, a couple of our acquaintance – in the meantime both retired – goes on holiday to America for six to eight weeks. When they returned from their last stay abroad, we met for dinner.
As they couldn’t conceive children the natural way, they decided in the late 1970s/early 1980s to undergo fertility treatment – unfortunately without success. Back then, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has just found its way into fertility treatment. Artikel lesen
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Back to the roots
June 7th, 2013At some point our little ones start to wonder where they came from and how they came into being. In the case of children conceived by artificial insemination, the explanation may sound a little less romantic. The parents can, however, succeed in handling the issue as if it were completely “normal”. Artikel lesen
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Glossary of terms used in reproductive medicine
AMH - Anti-Mullerian Hormone | Artificial Insemination | Assisted Hatching | Azoospermia | Blastocyst | Blastocyst Culture | Carcinoma | Cryopreservation | Egg Donation | Ejaculate | Embryo | Embryo Transfer | Endometrium | Endometriosis | Follicle | Follicular Puncture | Hashimoto's Thyroiditis | Hysteroscopy | ICSI | Implantation | IMSI | Infertility | Insemination | ISME-T | IVF | Karyogram | Miscarriage | OHSS | Oocyte | Ovarian Stimulation | Ovary | Ovarian Insufficiency | PCOS | PGD | PGS | Progesterone | Social Freezing | Sperm Donation | Spermiogram | TESE | Fallopian tubes | Uterus | Vitrification | Zygote |FAQ

Possible causes in women Possible causes in men
Why is age a reason for?
Psychological help

Aspects in fertility treatment
Spermiogram Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)
Hormonal stimulation
Blastocyst culture
Cryo cycle
Genetics (PGD/PGS)
Egg donation
Supportive measures
"Social Freezing" / "Medical Freezing"
Fertility treatment procedure
Part 1 | Initial ConsultationPart 2 | Ovarian Stimulation
Part 3 | Ultrasound Scan
Part 4 | Egg retrieval
Part 5 | Embryo Transfer
→ Infographic
Success rate - What to look for
Part 1 | "What does this mean for us?"Part 2 | Assessing the chances
Part 3 | Pregnancy rate
Part 4 | Implantation rate
Part 5 | Cumulative pregnancy rate
Trying to conceive after a miscarriage
Part 1 | Dealing with the LossPart 2 | What is actually meant by miscarriage?
Part 3 | Support through hypnosis