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Mag. Karlheinz Brandt

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[← article overview of the topic-series »Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«]

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Depending on the intensity of the desire to have children, a miscarriage may have a shattering psychological effect for those concerned. This is often perceived as an additional pressure, particularly in cases where fertility treatment is reconsidered to realize the dream of having a baby. Thus, the question arises as to how we can support these patients and relieve the mental strain on them. Medications can only be used to a very limited extent when it comes to alleviating the psychological effects of a miscarriage. Artikel lesen

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| Part 3 of the topic-series » Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«

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Hypnosis to quit smoking, for weight loss, as an aid to psychotherapy …
… to name just a few areas that hypnotherapy has been successfully applied to. But what about using this “tool” when dealing with unintended childlessness and during IVF treatment?

As a clinical psychologist at the IVF Zentren Prof. Zech I have for many years concerned myself very closely with this question. At our IVF centers, joint studies have been carried out into the issue. These studies were based on our general approach which is to focus on the personal and medical situation of the couple in order to find the best possible mode of treatment for them. Depending on the initial situation, supporting measures, such as hypnotherapy may be used. Artikel lesen

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| When does it make sense and how does it work?

[← article overview of the topic-series »Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«]

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As already announced, our topic-series shall, inter alia, give you an idea of how important it may be to seek psychological assistance after a miscarriage – in particular when the couple still shares the desire of having children. The initial focus will be on dealing with the experience of loss.

A miscarriage is not just that an existing pregnancy does not develop any further, but the intense longing and desire for a child are shattered, at least temporarily. This is why every miscarriage is a traumatic event. Artikel lesen

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| Part 1 of the topic-series »Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«


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A miscarriage is undoubtedly one of the worst things that can happen to a couple on their path towards their long awaited child. For those couples, it is something of a personal disaster to give up on their dream for which they had accepted much hardship and in which they had placed great hopes. At first, it seems to be almost impossible for them to recover from the shock and finally overcome this personal tragedy, especially when they do not seek help from an uninvolved third party. It is, therefore, no surprise that this is still considered a taboo subject by many couples concerned.

Who can they turn to for help in this painful situation? Artikel lesen

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