Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Doctors, medical assistants and embryologists in the laboratory, IT department, hygiene specialists, Info Center etc. We, as a team at the IVF Centers Prof. Zech dedicate our entire know-how and passion to helping infertile couples achieve a pregnancy with the help of assisted reproductive technology (ART). In many cases, the

“Single Embryo Transfer” in IVF – Facts and background information
Part 5 of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«]

Implantation rate
Part 4 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Success Rate«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock If practitioners of reproductive medicine talk about the implantation rate, they mean the percentage of those embryos that implanted themselves into the uterine lining after having been transferred to the womb. Fetal heartbeat can be visualized via ultrasound in order to definitely

Pregnancy rate
Part 3 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Success Rate«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Of course, patients often ask me about pregnancy rates achieved by our IVF centers. Quite often this question is linked with the notion that the pregnancy rate can provide precise forecasts on the successful outcome of fertility treatment. Actually, a uniform definition

“What does this mean for us?”
Part 1 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Success Rate«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to choosing an IVF center, among other things, couples seeking fertility support want to learn more about the clinic’s performance figures (e.g. pregnancy rate, live birth rate). In some countries, IVF centers are required by law to publish their

Assessing the chances
Part 2 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series “Success Rate”] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Couples considering IVF treatment are accompanied by high hopes and expectations towards their treating specialists. During the initial consultation, most of them raise the key question regarding their chances of achieving pregnancy through reproductive technologies. Predicting the outcome of fertility treatment is

“A lot helps a lot?”
The dangers of self-medication in fertility treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Even the area of reproductive medicine is touched by the commonly held misconception “a lot helps a lot” when it comes to taking medicines. We often encounter situations in which patients undergoing hormonal stimulation (ovarian stimulation) want to increase the prescribed dosage of their own accord, saying they had read

Quality in IVF centers
Application and Relevance of a Quality Management System
Certificate: ISO 9001:2015 | IVF Centers Prof. Zech “If there’s a way to do it better: find it.” Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931) If we interpret this quote by Thomas Edison, the continual pursuit of improvements may (as, for example, in the case of Edison) lead to new inventions or to the improvement of already existing

“Sometimes there’s more in the basket and sometimes less “
The number of oocytes in an IVF treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock The stage of hormonal stimulation (ovarian stimulation) is an exciting time. Daily injections are required and each ultrasound scan is anticipated with great excitement. What our patients want to know is: “How many follicles can be identified? Do all the follicles continue to grow? How many large and probably mature

Terms for Genetic Diagnostic Methods in Fertility Treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to genetic analysis in reproductive medicine, there exist a number of commonly heard terms, such as Pre-Implantation Diagnosis (PID), Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT), Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS). But how can they be distinguished from one another? Are there any differences between them? I