As a service point for help-seeking childless couples, the Info Centers, at the private clinic Group’s seven European locations, are an important counseling and information platform for couples before, during and after the treatment. Every day, hundreds of couples concerned readily make use of this service and receive the relevant answers to their questions in a quick and easy way (by phone or e-mail).
The counseling services are provided in a results-oriented and efficient manner. This is made possible by the comprehensive expertise and the dedication of the employees. Guidance and useful tips are just as integral to the advisory service as the providing of assistance in strongly emotional situations.
What couples considering IVF treatment want to know

IVF Centers Prof. Zech Bregenz
“When getting in touch with us for the first time, many couples have been trying to get pregnant for a long time already. What is important to us in this context is to grasp the respective situation and be able to deal with the emotions of the callers in order to provide them with appropriate counseling.
With new patients, the questions usually revolve around organizational procedures – When is the next possible date for the initial consultation? How many times do we have to come to the IVF Center? etc.
After treatment has started, the couple’s questions mostly relate to the prescribed medicines – Where can they be obtained (assistance with respect to pharmacies)? How to apply the preparations properly (correct injection technique)? etc.
During hormonal stimulation, patients often call to have their therapy plan explained to them once more in detail, along with questions about physical changes and problems that might arise during the treatment (e.g. pain after injection).
The period following embryo transfer is by far the most emotional stage the patients go through. The issues most frequently addressed on these occasions concern the proper behavior and the next steps after a positive or negative pregnancy test result.
We are always there for our patients and their needs and will gladly support them to the best of our abilities – from the first second after getting in touch with us until the long-hoped-for pregnancy has occurred.”

The five most frequently asked questions and our answers to them
IVF Centers Prof. Zech-Bregenz
Mon to Fri from 08:00 to 16:30
Tel. +43 5574 44836
Fax. +43 5574 44836 9
- 1. Initial Consultation – “What is the treatment sequence with regard to my own and my partner’s medical findings?”
In order to perform treatment as effectively as possible, any available medical results of both partners is important for the treating doctor. Thus, the doctor can get an overview of the current situation.
You will receive an information letter specifying in detail the required blood parameters and previous diagnostic findings (if available). The corresponding documentation can be sent by post, fax or e-mail. It is, of course, possible to have the corresponding tests (laboratory values/blood parameters) performed on-site in one of our centers. - 2. Therapy Plan – “What do we need to pay attention to?”
It is important to stick to the set timetable. This includes, among other things, the balancing of work and appointments at the IVF center. According to the doctor’s instructions, the process is jointly organized. The individual steps include, for example:
– Ultrasound checks
– Day of oocyte pick-up
– Day of embryo transfer - 3. Stimulation – “Could you please explain its background and the correct intake of the medicines once again with us?”
The start of ovarian stimulation will be scheduled, depending on the woman’s cycle length. Our preferred stimulation scheme is the long protocol. The first phase of treatment starts with the so-called down-regulation (e.g. using “Decapeptyl”). The medication shall be injected under the skin (subcutaneous injection, s.c.). The injection must be made at similar times each day.
In parallel to the down-regulation, the stimulation phase starts with the administration of an FSH/LH preparation (e.g. “Merional”). In accordance with the instructions given with regard to the injection technique, the follicle stimulating medication shall be injected into the buttock muscle (intramuscular injection, i.m.). Please make sure that you inject the preparations at the prescribed intervals, in order to prevent hormone levels from falling. - 4. The right behavior after embryo transfer – “Can we make any mistakes?”
After the embryo transfer, the embryo is expected to implant into the womb. It is not possible to actively support this process or even enforce it. You can only try not to disturb the process by adopting an appropriate lifestyle. A stressful departure following embryo transfer or jerky movements (rapid and heavy lifting) should be avoided. Long-distance flights are not advisable either.
Moreover, it was found that unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as smoking may negatively impact the process. - 5. Pregnancy Test – “What happens next?”
Whether your pregnancy test comes back positive or negative, we kindly ask you to contact us in any event. Then the next steps will be discussed, e.g. an appointment for a blood sample, how to continue with medication, the next check-up appointment etc.
Please continue to take the prescribed medication in accordance with your therapy plan. In no event should you stop taking a medicine on your own accord.
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