Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock It was Charles Lindbergh’s ambitious goal to be the first pilot to fly an aircraft non-stop across the Atlantic. This made him a pioneer in the history of aviation. Being a pioneer in the field of reproductive medicine, Prof. Herbert Zech has always been concerned with helping couples all over

Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock The hormonal stimulation of the woman can give the decisive impetus for the long-awaited offspring. The body is gently prepared for pregnancy. Ovarian stimulation is aimed at inducing the maturation of multiple that contain the maturing oocytes. This requires a targeted and perfectly timed approach. It is actually comparable to

Happy family
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock It is not only the life with biological children that involves worries, fears and even problems – you will have to go through the same experiences with adopted children. Despite the blissful experience to actually be able to raise children, the grief over the own biological childlessness, however, may last

Having kids despite non-vital sperm
No man wants to hear it – yet it is possible that the involuntary childlessness is due to male-related fertility issues resp. poor semen quality. Luckily, there are now techniques permitting to conceive children in spite of male factor subfertility.

Higher fertilization rates using 3D ultrasound technology
Higher fertilization rates using 3D ultrasound technology
Eggs obtained during follicular puncture following 3D ultrasound monitoring feature a higher fertilization rate. This is evidenced by a direct comparison between conventional 2D ultrasound and the new and more precise 3D ultrasound technology.