Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to choosing an IVF center, most people´s decisions are based on the pregnancy rate obtained by the center in question. This is quite understandable. However, one should be careful not to rely on one single success parameter, but first ask the following question: “What can we expect

“What are our chances of achieving a pregnancy resulting in the birth of a healthy child?”
| FAQs on genetics within the context of fertility treatment
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock IVF treatment with PGD/PGS might be an option for infertile couples who, despite all efforts, have still not become pregnant and whose diagnostic findings seem to be linked to the failure. However, the option is only available for couples who meet all the medical and legal requirements. Basically, there are

“What are the situations where egg donation may help?”
| FAQs on egg donation
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock There are a variety of reasons why couples may want to use donated eggs to fulfil their dream of having a child. There are situations where couples cannot achieve a successful pregnancy with the woman’s own oocytes (e.g. cancer treatment, genetic diseases, premature menopause) and may therefore decide to try

“When can I take the pregnancy test and what happens next?”
FAQs on fertility treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Before and during fertility treatment, patients are often faced with a lot of impressions and information. Sometimes, however, this can be highly confusing, giving rise to a large number of questions. After asking around, I discussed the issues with Univ. Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech, a specialist in reproductive medicine and