[← article overview of the topic-series »Trying to conceive after a miscarriage«] Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock If a pregnancy cannot be brought to term but instead ends in spontaneous abortion or miscarriage, this could be a devastating experience, especially for those couples who had long been trying in vain to get pregnant and have

| What’s possible nowadays when it comes to the assessment of male fertility
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock The causes of unwanted childlessness may vary widely from one couple to another and therefore require an individual approach. This is why the male factor is moving more and more into the focus of attention of science. Today, we know that spermatozoa ought to be investigated with considerably greater accuracy

Increased Risk of Hypertension due to IVF?
| A new study has created a great deal of uncertainty among patients
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock A recently published study (see link) conducted by a Swiss working group on the increased risk of high blood pressure in children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is currently making big waves, not least through nonstop media coverage. Additionally, this was fueled by some statements made by the senior

Hello “little polar bear”!
Cryo cycle after IVF
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock “It had finally worked out and I became pregnant with our little ‘polar bear’. Since yesterday, we are the proud parents of a healthy baby girl and we couldn’t be more thrilled.” In this way or in a very similar one, couples talk about their experiences gained during IVF treatment

Why an embryo does not “spill out”?
A biological-physical approach regarding embryo implantation in fertility treatment
Graphical representation of female genital organs | Photo: Shutterstock Among patients undergoing fertility treatment (IVF/ICSI/IMSI), the following question is repeatedly raised in the relevant forums: “Could it be possible that my embryo may somehow ‘spill out’ of the uterus after embryo transfer?” In this respect, it should be noted that the uterine cavity is not

Love in Times of Egg Donation
Study on the relationship between mother and child after IVF treatment using donated eggs
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Some couples with an unfulfilled desire to have a child have a long way to go until they have achieved their goal of starting a family – inseminations, hormonal treatments used for ‘artificial insemination’, IVF therapies, cryo cycles, etc. Some couples, however, need a “Plan B”: An egg donation. With

Terms for Genetic Diagnostic Methods in Fertility Treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to genetic analysis in reproductive medicine, there exist a number of commonly heard terms, such as Pre-Implantation Diagnosis (PID), Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT), Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS). But how can they be distinguished from one another? Are there any differences between them? I

Genetics in reproductive medicine
Background and Significance
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Genetic disorders may cause severe diseases in humans and are known to have adverse effects on fertility, which may even lead to miscarriages. A closer look into these genetic disorders suggests that there are two main reasons for this: Chromosomal disorders and gene mutations. In chromosomal disorders, a distinction is

“Bringing new Life to Love”
For 30 years the guidelines and motivation of a family – Promoting family happiness in more than 30.000 cases
Icon Image | Photo: IVF Centers Prof. Zech Since the clinic has been founded by Prof. Herbert Zech in Bregenz in 1984, the IVF centers of the same name are characterized by the highest standards in terms of certified quality, innovative technologies and passionate commitment. Together with his family and his team, the passionate specialist

Ultrasound Scan
Part 3 of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«] Dr Maximilian Murtinger | Medical director IVF Centers Prof. Zech Bregenz With ultrasound scan you normally associate a pregnancy and the happy parents sharing the first ultrasound pictures of their baby with friends and family. But even before pregnancy occurs, ultrasound diagnostics play a key role,