Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock IVF treatment with PGD/PGS might be an option for infertile couples who, despite all efforts, have still not become pregnant and whose diagnostic findings seem to be linked to the failure. However, the option is only available for couples who meet all the medical and legal requirements. Basically, there are

Terms for Genetic Diagnostic Methods in Fertility Treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to genetic analysis in reproductive medicine, there exist a number of commonly heard terms, such as Pre-Implantation Diagnosis (PID), Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT), Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS). But how can they be distinguished from one another? Are there any differences between them? I

Genetics in reproductive medicine
Background and Significance
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Genetic disorders may cause severe diseases in humans and are known to have adverse effects on fertility, which may even lead to miscarriages. A closer look into these genetic disorders suggests that there are two main reasons for this: Chromosomal disorders and gene mutations. In chromosomal disorders, a distinction is