Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock IVF treatment involves the fertilization of an oocyte by a sperm under the microscope. To this end, different techniques may be used, such as ICSI and IMSI. In order to learn more about the role played by these laboratory techniques in the assessment of sperm quality and subsequently also in

Sperm quality
Assessment and significance in fertility treatments
Structure spermatozoon/oocyte | Photo: Shutterstock Egg and sperm cell are of equal importance for the development of the embryo. A closer look at the sperm factor suggests that the assessment of sperm quality followed by the selection of appropriate spermatozoa for the fertilization of the oocyte are important steps on the path towards the much

“Natural cycle IVF”
IVF treatment in an unstimulated cycle
Graphic representation female cycle | Photo: Shutterstock For many women, starting fertility treatment is often associated with discomfort, since it entails hormone therapy involving the injection of specific preparations. Most women get used to it quickly, since what it does mean in any case is that they advance further on their way leading to the

Having kids despite non-vital sperm
No man wants to hear it – yet it is possible that the involuntary childlessness is due to male-related fertility issues resp. poor semen quality. Luckily, there are now techniques permitting to conceive children in spite of male factor subfertility.