Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock Fertility treatment usually starts with the stimulation phase. This means that the woman has to undergo customized hormone therapy in order to induce her ovaries to produce multiple follicles, each containing an oocyte. The number and growth of follicles within the ovaries are closely monitored by ultrasound examinations. During the

An impuls towards parenthood
Hormonal stimulation in fertility treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Precisely tailored to the woman’s individual situation, her body is prepared for pregnancy prior to receiving fertility treatment. The ovaries are stimulated with hormones, which is an important first step towards the long-awaited child. The targeted administration of hormones is intended to induce the maturation of multiple follicles, each containing

“A lot helps a lot?”
The dangers of self-medication in fertility treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Even the area of reproductive medicine is touched by the commonly held misconception “a lot helps a lot” when it comes to taking medicines. We often encounter situations in which patients undergoing hormonal stimulation (ovarian stimulation) want to increase the prescribed dosage of their own accord, saying they had read

“Sometimes there’s more in the basket and sometimes less “
The number of oocytes in an IVF treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock The stage of hormonal stimulation (ovarian stimulation) is an exciting time. Daily injections are required and each ultrasound scan is anticipated with great excitement. What our patients want to know is: “How many follicles can be identified? Do all the follicles continue to grow? How many large and probably mature

Ovarian Stimulation
Part 2 of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock They are closely associated with human growth and are essential for the metabolism. Human reproduction processes are mainly controlled by them. Hormones: messenger substances, thus playing a crucial role at the beginning of each IVF treatment. Hence, following the initial consultation,

Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock The hormonal stimulation of the woman can give the decisive impetus for the long-awaited offspring. The body is gently prepared for pregnancy. Ovarian stimulation is aimed at inducing the maturation of multiple that contain the maturing oocytes. This requires a targeted and perfectly timed approach. It is actually comparable to

Fear of injections?
Fear of injections?
If so, you are only one among many! For many patients, the start of an IVF treatment is associated with a great deal of discomfort, since the regular injections of hormone preparations present a major challenge to them. This is perfectly normal and absolutely understandable. Most patients, however, will get used to giving themselves injections after having overcome the demanding initial phase. After all, the injections bring you closer to fulfilling your dream of conceiving and giving birth to your longed-for child.