Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to choosing an IVF center, most people´s decisions are based on the pregnancy rate obtained by the center in question. This is quite understandable. However, one should be careful not to rely on one single success parameter, but first ask the following question: “What can we expect

Cumulative pregnancy rate
Part 5 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series “Success Rate”] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock When analyzing success rates in fertility treatment, it often turns out that the stated values refer to cumulative pregnancy rates. But what exactly is meant by this type of pregnancy rate? Cumulative is derived from the Latin word “cumulare” (to accumulate). According

“Single Embryo Transfer” in IVF – Facts and background information
Part 5 of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«]

Pregnancy rate
Part 3 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Success Rate«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Of course, patients often ask me about pregnancy rates achieved by our IVF centers. Quite often this question is linked with the notion that the pregnancy rate can provide precise forecasts on the successful outcome of fertility treatment. Actually, a uniform definition

“What does this mean for us?”
Part 1 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Success Rate«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to choosing an IVF center, among other things, couples seeking fertility support want to learn more about the clinic’s performance figures (e.g. pregnancy rate, live birth rate). In some countries, IVF centers are required by law to publish their

Assessing the chances
Part 2 of the topic-series »Success Rate«
[← article overview of the topic-series “Success Rate”] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Couples considering IVF treatment are accompanied by high hopes and expectations towards their treating specialists. During the initial consultation, most of them raise the key question regarding their chances of achieving pregnancy through reproductive technologies. Predicting the outcome of fertility treatment is

Towards happiness of fatherhood
TESE – sperm retrieval procedure for “in vitro fertilization”
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock IVF treatment (IVF/ICSI/IMSI) involves the fertilization of the egg cell by a sperm outside the female body in the laboratory. In some cases, however, sperms have to be collected directly from the man’s testes during a minor surgical intervention called TESE – “Testicular Sperm Extraction”. The TESE procedure is used

“It is NOT in my blood…”
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock The saying “It is in my blood” usually refers to character traits that are inborn or inherited and/or correspond to our “inner nature”. Again and again, scientific findings in the field of genetics have been highly praised by the media – including a study from 2011 which assumed that women

Blastocyst Culture
How treatment methods may help to make the dream of having a child come true
Blastocyst Involuntary childlessness today is no longer an inevitable fate, thanks to a wide range of treatment methods. This variety includes different approaches in terms of their efficiency which, from the perspective of the respective physicians, biologists and experts, undoubtedly also play a role here. However, from a scientific point of view, it is important