Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock “How can we make it happen? Can we even afford it?” … Especially in difficult times like these, when the coronavirus pandemic is causing widespread economic and social insecurity, such considerations are thoroughly understandable. Many couples who wish to have children may have similar concerns, particularly in situations where costs

“IMSI versus ICSI”
| Study on the potential impacts of laboratory techniques used on the live birth rates and the health of children conceived by IVF
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock IVF treatment involves the fertilization of an oocyte by a sperm under the microscope. To this end, different techniques may be used, such as ICSI and IMSI. In order to learn more about the role played by these laboratory techniques in the assessment of sperm quality and subsequently also in

“And here she is… THE LOVELY LOUISE”
Icon image | Photo (ed.): Shutterstock … was the headline in the British “Daily Mail” many years ago, because in 1978 Louise Brown was born in Oldham (GB). She was the world’s first so-called “test-tube baby” – that is to say, the first human born as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF). By her

“I’m not a real woman, because I’m not able to have children”
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock Women and their partners – who, for a long time, have been struggling in vain to conceive – talk about the above and many other thoughts and feelings associated with their situation. It is in particular the social environment that fuels such thoughts by quotes like: “Now you are married.

| What’s possible nowadays when it comes to the assessment of male fertility
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock The causes of unwanted childlessness may vary widely from one couple to another and therefore require an individual approach. This is why the male factor is moving more and more into the focus of attention of science. Today, we know that spermatozoa ought to be investigated with considerably greater accuracy

Hypnosis in fertility treatment
| When does it make sense and how does it work?
Icon image | http://www.brandt-hypnose.at Hypnosis to quit smoking, for weight loss, as an aid to psychotherapy … … to name just a few areas that hypnotherapy has been successfully applied to. But what about using this “tool” when dealing with unintended childlessness and during IVF treatment? As a clinical psychologist at the IVF Zentren Prof.

“What can we expect from the IVF center of our choice?”
| FAQs on the services and quality standards of a fertility clinic, using the IVF Centers Prof. Zech as an example
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock When it comes to choosing an IVF center, most people´s decisions are based on the pregnancy rate obtained by the center in question. This is quite understandable. However, one should be careful not to rely on one single success parameter, but first ask the following question: “What can we expect

Increased Risk of Hypertension due to IVF?
| A new study has created a great deal of uncertainty among patients
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock A recently published study (see link) conducted by a Swiss working group on the increased risk of high blood pressure in children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is currently making big waves, not least through nonstop media coverage. Additionally, this was fueled by some statements made by the senior

Hello “little polar bear”!
Cryo cycle after IVF
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock “It had finally worked out and I became pregnant with our little ‘polar bear’. Since yesterday, we are the proud parents of a healthy baby girl and we couldn’t be more thrilled.” In this way or in a very similar one, couples talk about their experiences gained during IVF treatment

Close to nature
| IVF treatment involving blastocyst culture
Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock The aim of this medical specialty can already be inferred from the term Reproductive Medicine. It means understanding and copying nature right down to the smallest details, i.e. supporting human procreation using medical-technical procedures designed to help sub-fertile couples. Based on current scientific knowledge, an important role is played by