…Prof. Herbert Zech in a detailed interview in our Fertility-Treatment-BLOG: Professor Zech, already 29 years ago you have been on everyone’s lips in Vorarlberg, South Tyrol, Switzerland and Southern Germany after having achieved the first pregnancies following IVF treatment. What has happened since then? Prof. Dr Herbert Zech It is true that since I have

“Social Freezing”
Emancipated family planning or a lifestyle trend?
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock “I am frightened – to be more precise – it is almost like a feeling of panic, when I think about the ticking of my biological clock!” “I am going to have ovarian surgery, and I am concerned about the impact this may have on my fertility.” Our experience has

Having a career and children – you can do both!
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Today, women are more highly educated and skilled than in the past. The proportion of women who graduated from high-school has greatly increased and there are more women on the executive floors than 10 years ago. However, there is a downside to this professional commitment: These days, women are postponing