Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock There are many reasons why women cannot achieve a pregnancy with their own oocytes. In addition to medical reasons (e.g. cancer treatment, genetic diseases, premature menopause etc.), today, there is an increasing number of cases where socio-economic causes are at the root of the problem. Women often delay having children

“About Experts, Nutrition and Expectant Parents”
What we should know about our diet
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Nutrition also plays in the fulfillment of a wish for a child an important role and is a key factor in maintaining good health (for more information, see our BLOG post “You are what you eat”). In a recent interview with the American nutrition expert, David L. Katz (Professor of

Heart’s desire: Having a Child
Variety of treatment options as an opportunity for infertile couples
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock “How many times have we discussed this matter and have spent endless nights browsing the internet to find firsthand reports by other couples dealing with unwanted childlessness. Now it is about time to give luck a bit of a boost. The decision is made: Tomorrow we are going to call

“A chance, that a child may arise”
Psychological support for couples with unfulfilled desire for children – Part 2
Fertility-Treatment BLOG interview with clinical psychologist Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt: (Click here to read the first part of the interview) Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt(l) | Rene Winsauer(r) Mr. Brandt, the IVF Centers Prof. Zech offer their patients the possibility to have access to psychological counseling. We have already talked about situations in which this option may prove

“Why do all the others get pregnant but I don’t?”
Psychological support for couples with unfulfilled desire for children – Part 1
Fertility-Treatment BLOG interview with clinical psychologist Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt: Mag. Karl-Heinz Brandt(l) | Rene Winsauer(r) Mr. Brandt, the IVF Centers Prof. Zech offer their patients the possibility to benefit from psychological assistance, if desired. What does this assistance look like in detail? Mag. Brandt: The support is geared to issues of particular concern to the

“Bringing new Life to Love”
For 30 years the guidelines and motivation of a family – Promoting family happiness in more than 30.000 cases
Icon Image | Photo: IVF Centers Prof. Zech Since the clinic has been founded by Prof. Herbert Zech in Bregenz in 1984, the IVF centers of the same name are characterized by the highest standards in terms of certified quality, innovative technologies and passionate commitment. Together with his family and his team, the passionate specialist

Initial Consultation
Part 1 of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«
[← article overview of the topic-series »Fertility treatment procedure«] Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock How do I arrange an appointment for an initial consultation?What will be discussed there? How should I prepare for it? What happens next? … Questions which bother many of the couples when starting fertility treatment. The team of the IVF Centers

Blastocyst Culture
How treatment methods may help to make the dream of having a child come true
Blastocyst Involuntary childlessness today is no longer an inevitable fate, thanks to a wide range of treatment methods. This variety includes different approaches in terms of their efficiency which, from the perspective of the respective physicians, biologists and experts, undoubtedly also play a role here. However, from a scientific point of view, it is important