Icon image | Photo: Shutterstock “It had finally worked out and I became pregnant with our little ‘polar bear’. Since yesterday, we are the proud parents of a healthy baby girl and we couldn’t be more thrilled.” In this way or in a very similar one, couples talk about their experiences gained during IVF treatment

“Understanding the miracle of nature”
What contributes to the success of fertility treatment
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock Many couples wish for nothing more than to have their own child. But for some of them, their wish to conceive a child has remained unfulfilled, despite prolonged efforts to achieve a pregnancy. But, regardless of how different the underlying causes may be, today there are promising therapeutic options in

On the trail of Lindbergh
This is about pioneers, innovations and heart’s desires
Icon Image | Photo: Shutterstock It was Charles Lindbergh’s ambitious goal to be the first pilot to fly an aircraft non-stop across the Atlantic. This made him a pioneer in the history of aviation. Being a pioneer in the field of reproductive medicine, Prof. Herbert Zech has always been concerned with helping couples all over